Author Archives:Ashish Punekar

How to Maximize the Value of Enterprise Assets With Archibus

You can only manage what you can measure – the more you think about this, the more you realize the truth in this statement. When […]

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The 5 top benefits of effective space management with Archibus

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned” – Benjamin Franklin When was the last time you felt productive and peaceful when you walked […]

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Why should asset tracking be the first priority for your facilities management?

Technological innovations are getting more sophisticated by the day. In times where buildings and campuses are embracing technology and becoming ‘smart’, the effective operations and […]

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How Archibus Can Benefit Educational Institutions

An efficient Facilities Management System allows an organization to maintain its physical assets to perform optimally even during changing conditions. Facilities Management is generally linked […]

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How is Archibus helping enterprises in enabling employee performance?

Archibus is an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) used by organizations to streamline how they manage their facilities, infrastructure, and real estate. Archibus helps to […]

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